Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The End is Only the Beginning

This blog is a secret! Well, for now it is. I've wanted to start one for a long time, but I needed it to have some kind of purpose. Well, I've been reading this book called "Through Painted Deserts," and yesterday I came across a baby piece of truth that sort of just jumped out at me. By the way, I'm only on page 37 in this book, but it's been a thinker so far. I mean, it is by Donald Miller, so that's to be expected. Kendell, my dear friend Kendell, gave me this book for graduation, so it is my mission to read it.
ANYWAY, the baby piece of truth that I underlined, "The cosmos was just spinning around up there, as if to create beauty for beauty's sake, paying no attention to the frivolity of mankind. And I liked the cosmos. I liked the cosmos very much. It seemed that it understood something, perhaps, humanity did not understand."
So...I've decided that I will create this blog for creating a blog's sake! My first blog from my semester in Uruguay was a flake anyway. I only had like 3 posts. Pathetic.
But.. even with my newfound piece of truth, I still needed some kind of direction in creating this blog. And after much consideration, I've decided to steal Donald Miller's idea and blog about traveling. He didn't blog...but you know, wrote a book about his travels. A good book. So far. And he says that we begin to ask the hard questions when we leave home. And his one word of advice was to LEAVE. So I've decided to leave. Okay, I'm only in Florida right now...but hey...that's not home. And I am with my family, but being that I JUST graduated from college, I have a lot on my mind. And Florida is cool!
But I plan to head to Mexico in the fall. And I plan to head somewhere after that too! So this will be a travel journal if you will. A travel journal in progress. Because I still don't yet know where I am going.